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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ranbir Kapoor Rockstar Brand spanking new Upcoming Film about his rehearsal for concert

(1) Ranbir Kapoor has been busy rehearsing for a concert that They is dedicating to his grand uncle, tThey late Shammi Kapoor. They will perform to tracks like O Haseena Zulfo Waali and Tareef Karu Kya Uski among others.As reported Rahman live, tThey concert has A R Rahman performing live in concert for tThey first time for a film, Rockstar.There are also performances by Nargis Fakhri, singer Mohit Chauhan, and Rahmans long-term ociates Ranjit Barot and Sivamani.TThey concert will be held soon.(2) Lets read what Ranbir Kapoor is saying about his character for this Brand spanking new Upcoming Film.I am just an actor. There is a wrong perception of what youre seeing on screen is me. What youre seeing on screen is an amalgamation of lot of peoples efforts. There was a marriage of effort and thought and thats when Jordan, my character, was created. If you tell me to hElderly tThey guitar and play it, I cant do it. I need help and support of tThey crew around me. There are many phases in this characters life that keep changing because tThey film spans over eight to ten years. Every phase was interesting. In fact, we went backwards while we were shooting this film.I really enjoyed tThey phase when my character is in tThey college because tThey rest of tThey film is a little hard for me, to go down that zone and live that experience. I like tThey college parts because They was that wannabe rockstar and somebody tells him that to become one you had to break your heart.They meets Heer, played by Nargis, and how They impresses her thinking that They will break his heart one day is tThey best phase of tThey Brand spanking new Upcoming Film according to me.